Immersive Technology for Mental Wellness


Research on SoundSelf shows it can safely and effectively induce non-ordinary states of consciousness and improve mental wellness.


SoundSelf vs. Sham (guided meditation VR) using Quantitative EEG, Altered States, and Mood

A Quantitative and Qualitative study of transformative process and psychological well-being using SoundSelf

“The main benefit of transpersonal states of consciousness, like those accessible by SoundSelf or classical psychedelics, is developing a sense of deep meaning in one’s life. Over time, regularly and safely entering transpersonal states of consciousness, you develop a sense of belonging in the body, the world, and the story of your life.

In this state, you are opened up to more information from the body and the psyche. It is as if the doors of perception into our emotional and feeling worlds are temporarily opened, and you have an opportunity to be with yourself in a new way.”

Sandeep Prakash, PhD - Chief Scientific Officer

Pilot Study: SoundSelf vs. Sham (guided meditation VR) using Quantitative EEG, Altered States, and Mood

Conducted by Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN & Fabiola Einhorn at the NeuroMeditation Institute

Dr. Jeff Tarrant is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. He is the Director of the NeuroMeditation Institute and author of the book, Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain

SoundSelf has been measured to produce a combination of brainwave patterns that are the signature of psychedelic experience:

An increase of gamma across the brain

A decrease in activity in regions associated with the Default Mode Network

A decrease in alpha in the anterior

This pilot study showed that SoundSelf’s unique mechanism of voice-activated biofeedback results in rapid and significant changes in brain state, which is accompanied by improved measures of mood. The reduction in language-processing activity and changes in default mode network (DMN) highlight the synesthetic and multi-sensory facets of expanded states of consciousness. Changes in the DMN suggest SoundSelf works by reducing functional integration of the DMN, and directing awareness of the user towards interoceptive signals. This mechanism, involving the DMN and greater exposure to bottom-up signals, was recently proposed by psychedelic researcher Robin Carhart Harris in “REBUS and the Anarchic Brain: Toward a Unified Model of the Brain Action of Psychedelics”.

“The state of consciousness that SoundSelf helps achieve is unique because before VR, it wasn’t possible to achieve this sort of quasi-out-of-body experience while simultaneously empowering greater access to somatic/body sensations. With vocal toning, we know that there is a combination of a quieted mind and increased heart-rate variability, a sign of the body’s adaptability to stress. Combined with self-awareness and intimacy with one’s voice and psyche, this suggests that the state of consciousness during soundself is one that can be used for positive change and transformation.”

- Sandeep Prakash, PhD Chief Scientific Officer

A Quantitative and Qualitative study of transformative process and psychological well-being using SoundSelf

Conducted by Sandeep Prakash, Ph.D. at California Institute of Integral Studies

Research conducted by Sandeep Prakash, Ph.D. at California Institute of Integral Studies was the first long-term study of participants using a SoundSelf regularly for 6 weeks.

Using a mixed-methods study design that incorporated quantitative and qualitative data within a collaborative research environment, this research study discovered how users of SoundSelf experience improvement in mental health.

After recruitment was completed using public informational meetings in VR, participants underwent a 6 week group process of meetings, interviews, and validated psychometric questionnaires.

The charts below support the data presented:












Quantitative Methods

Standard descriptive statistics were used to present demographic information of the participants, including age, gender, education, meditation experience, altered states experience, and VR experience. Individuals ranged between the ages of 20 and 49, with 30-39 age group most represented. There were 1 non-binary, 2 female, and 3 male gendered individuals who completed the questionnaire, with most having a higher-education experience background. There was a mix of historical experience with VR, meditation, and altered states, from no prior experience to more than several years of experience.

Descriptive statistics were used to describe pre- and post-study scores for all variables from the instruments selected for this study (Table ). Data analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM, 2017) and Microsoft Excel. Because of the small sample size, a non-parametric test was used to assess statistical significance of the study measures, the Related-Sample Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. The rank-biserial correlation was used to compute the effect size for the change in pre-/post- scale and sub-scale scores. According to Cohen (1988), correlations > .50 represent a large effect size and correlations > .30 and < .50 are considered a medium effect size. Results where p < .05 were considered statistically significant.

Main Quantitative Findings- Descriptive Statistics and Test Results for Study Measures (N = 6).


WHO-5 = World Health Organization Well-Being Index; PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionaire; GAD-7 = Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; MEQ-30 = Mystical Experience Questionnaire; FFMQ = Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire; PWB = Psychological Wellbeing Scale.

a Standardized test statistic for Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.

b Matched-pairs rank biserial correlation for effect size.

Main Thematic Analysis Findings of Qualitative Data

Thematic analysis of the inquiry and interview data generated five categories of informative outcomes regarding the research question: “What is the experience of transformative process using SoundSelf VR over time?” The five categories are interrelated, often overlapping with another yet at times are opposed or in creative tension. They are: (a) Voice and Body, (b) Immersion and Virtuality, (c) Meditation and mindfulness, (d) Flow, and (e) Participatory/Personal Process.

“The design of soundself achieves a remarkable feat: it checks off all 9 components of Flow described by Csikszentmihalyi (1990). These include a merging of action and awareness, immediate feedback, high task concentration, loss of self-consciousness (ego-directed), and autotelic experience. SoundSelf is the first technology to induce a “psychological” flow state, where the body and mind is at an optimal state to process or witness psychic phenomena. This means that you are empowered to see and feel what would otherwise be uncomfortable or overwhelming.”

- Sandeep Prakash, PhD Chief Scientific Officer

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